Prevent Stories From Showing Up in Your Friends’ News Feeds on Facebook

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-Relationship Status Notification Change Option Screenshot-
Oh, did you really just break up with your girlfriend? I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure all of your friends and business contacts are also sorry to hear that. I can’t tell you how many awkward relationship status changes I’ve seen. The most regular one I’ve seen recently is when an attractive female ends their relationship and numerous guys hop on the opportunity to console her.
I’ve also seen the end of marriages, as well as weekly relationship status changes as individuals try to determine where their relationship stands with their significant other. My personal policy is to not display a relationship status, but many like to make a public statement out of their relationship. For those individuals, it can be a smart move to hedge against future disasters.
There are a number of ways to control how your relationship status is displayed. The first thing that most people should do is uncheck the box next to “Remove Relationship Status” in the News Feed and Wall Privacy page . In the rare instance that a relationship does uncomfortably end, you can avoid making things more uncomfortable by avoiding a friend notification about it.
Second, your relationship status falls within your “Basic Information” section of your profile. You can control who can see your basic information next to the “Basic Information” setting on the Profile Privacy page . Keep in mind that other relevant profile information like your gender, birth date, networks, and other settings are visible within your basic information section.
Making your basic information completely invisible to friends probably isn’t a good idea, but removing the news feed stories about relationship changes most likely is.
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Protect Your Facebook Albums

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-Facebook Photos Profile Screenshot-Just because you’ve uploaded photos doesn’t mean that you’ve accurately tagged every photo correctly. This setting is more of a reminder than anything else. Frequently people will turn of their tagged photo visibility to certain friend lists yet keep their photo albums public to the world. If you are trying to make all your photos invisible you must do so on an album by album basis.
There is a specific Photos Privacy page  from which you can manually configure the visibility of each album (as pictured below). This is an extremely useful configuration option and I highly recommend that you take advantage of it. This way you can store your photos indefinitely on Facebook yet ensure that the only people that can view your photos are the ones who you really want to see them.
-Facebook Photos Privacy Screenshot-
Holy Grail of Facebook Privacy

void the Infamous Photo/Video Tag Mistake

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This is the classic Facebook problem. You let loose for a few hours one night (or day) and photos (or videos) of the moment are suddenly posted for all to view, not just your close friends who shared the moment with you. The result can be devastating. Some have been fired from work after incriminating photos/videos were posted for the boss to see. For others, randomly tagged photos/videos have ended relationships.
At the least, a tagged photo/video can result in personal embarrassment. So how do you prevent the infamous tagged photo or video from showing up in all of your friends news feeds? It’s pretty simple. First visit your profile privacy page  and modify the setting next to “Photos Tagged of You”. Select the option which says “Customize…” and a box like the one pictured below will pop up.
Select the option “Only Me” and then “None of My Networks” if you would like to keep all tagged photos private. If you’d like to make tagged photos visible to certain users you can choose to add them in the box under the “Some Friends” option. In the box that displays after you select “Some Friends” you can type either individual friends or friend lists.
-Facebook Tagged Photo Privacy Settings Screenshot-

Remove Yourself From Google

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-Public Search Listing Screenshot-
Facebook gets A TON of traffic from displaying user profiles in search engines. Not all of your profile is displayed though. Currently the information displayed in the search profile is limited to: your profile picture, a list of your friends, a link to add you as a friend, a link to send you a message, and a list of up to approximately 20 fan pages that you are a member of.
For some people, being displayed in the search engines is a great way to let people get in contact with you, especially if you don’t have an existing website. Facebook also tends to rank high in the search results, so if you want to be easy to find, making your search profile can be a great idea. Many people don’t want any of their information to be public though.
By visiting the same search privacy settings page  listed in the previous step, you can control the visibility of your public search listing which is visible to Google and other search engines. You can turn off your public search listing by simply unchecking the box next to the phrase “Create a public search listing for me and submit it for search engine indexing” as pictured in the image below.
-Facebook Public Search Disable Screenshot-

Remove Yourself From Facebook Search Results

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-Facebook Search Listing Screenshot-
My mom is a teacher and one of the first things she asked me when she joined Facebook is how she could make sure her students couldn’t see that she was on the site. Understandably my mom doesn’t want her middle school students to know what she’s up to in her personal life. There are numerous reasons that individuals don’t want their information to show up in search results on Facebook, and it’s simple to turn off your public visibility.
How to Remove Yourself From Facebook Search Results
Now that you’ve decided that you would like to remove yourself from Facebook’s search results, here’s how to do it:
  1. Visit your search privacy settings page 
  2. Under “Search Visibility” select “Only Friends” (Remember, doing so will remove you from Facebook search results, so make sure you want to be removed totally. Otherwise, you can select another group, such as “My Networks and Friends” which I believe is the default.)
  3. Click “Save Changes”
By default, Facebook makes your presence visible to the network you are in. Frequently, people aren’t aware of their visibility, so this is one of the first settings that users wish to modify. By selecting “Customize” from the search visibility drop down you can make your settings even more granular.
-Facebook Search Visibility Screenshot-

Protect Against Published Application Stories on Facebook

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-Have Sex! Notification Screenshot-
This one is a little more tricky to manage but I’ll explain the issue at hand. Frequently when you add an application, a news feed item is immediately published to your profile. One way to get instantly embarrassed is to visit the “Have Sex!” application (found here ). This application has no purpose besides telling your friends that you are interested in having sex with them. Without taking any action, the application will post a news feed story to your profile which says the equivalent of “Nick just published to the world that he is having sex!”
This is surely something that none of your professional contacts if any of your contacts are interested in seeing (honestly I’m a bit confused about that application, but that’s a different story). That’s why it’s important to monitor what takes place after you install an application on Facebook. Once you install an application you should visit your profile to ensure that no embarrassing notification has been posted to your profile.
More often then not, nothing will be posted but there are many applications on the platform unfortunately that publish stories without you knowing it. There are two ways to avoid having this happen: don’t visit applications or scan your profile every time that you do. Ultimately you shouldn’t be concerned about applications that you’ve built a trusted relationship with but any new applications could potentially post embarrassing notifications.

Avoid Embarrassing Wall Posts on Facebook

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Just because you use Facebook for business doesn’t mean your friends do. That’s why once in a while a friend of yours will come post something embarrassing or not necessarily “work friendly” and it can end up having adverse effects. That’s why Facebook has provided you with the ability to customize your wall postings visibility. You can also control which friends can post on your wall. There are two places you can control these things.
Adjust Wall Posting Visibility
-Facebook Wall Story Settings Screenshot-
Within your profile page you can control who can view wall postings made by your friends. To do so, click on the “Settings” icon on the wall in your profile page . Next, find the box pictured in the image above and adjust the setting which says “Who can see posts made by friends?” I’d suggest using a strategy similar to the one outlined in the previous step regarding contact information.
Control Who Can Post to Your Wall
In addition to controlling who can view wall postings published by your friends, you also want to control which friends can post on your wall. Not everybody needs to do this, but occasionally you simply want to prevent some people from posting on your page. If you visit the Profile Privacy settings page , there is a section labeled “Wall Posts”.
From this area you can completely disable your friends’ ability to post on your wall. You can also select specific friend lists that can post on your wall. Personally, I don’t really care who can post on my wall but I can understand the need to control who can see those wall postings. If you want to limit who can post wall posts on your profile, this is where you can do it .

Keep Your Friendships Private on Facebook

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While it’s fun to show off that you have hundreds or thousands of friends on Facebook, some of your friends don’t want to live public lives. That’s why it’s often a good policy to turn off your friends’ visibility to others. I’ve had a number of individuals visit my profile and then selectively pick off friends that are relevant to them for marketing purposes, or other reasons.
Whatever the reason they are doing it, just know that they are … it’s part of what makes Facebook so addictive: the voyeuristic nature. Also, your friends are frequently visible to the public through search engines and exposing this information can ultimately present a security risk. To modify the visibility of your friends, visit the Profile Privacy page .
Navigate down to the setting which says “Friends” and then modify the setting to whatever is right for you.
-Custom Friend Visibility Settings Screenshot-

Facebook shortcuts Shift+Enter To Start New Paragraphs

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Facebook is easily the most popular social gathering spot in the world (digitally speaking). It has grown to be a part of our very culture, and we love it, and hate it, every day. Today, I hate it. There is a long drug out list of things I could say about the recent updates to the way Facebook works, including on how cluttered it is now with the photo banner, how messages are now MORE difficult to keep track of, and now… how annoying talking to somebody can be.
Why is talking to somebody annoying now? Simple… because we are about to get overloaded with notifications because there is about to be an overload of comments. You see, it used to be simple to write in a box. You type what you want in a nice structure, and then hit ENTER to start a new paragraph. Now, that has all stopped. On any wall, it is now required that you hit SHIFT+ENTER to start a new paragraph. The part that annoys me most is that people are going to start commenting all over the place without realizing what is going on. Facebook needs to start telling people when they are making changes. it’s really annoying that they got rid of the send button. It prevented a lot of people from saying the wrong thing. Now, Copy/Paste is our best friend, as we dash to fix what we just messed up on, and delete the old post before anybody sees it.

View Private Photos on Facebook

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it is a common phenomena to hide pictures on facebook from unknown person by using

following technique you can check facebook hide pictures easily

First go to :

Accept the app then you'll do anything you want : just copy/cut the ID, or the Name of the person and enjoy

You can even download the entire album.

If you dont want to go to 
each time there is an addon specific :

New Facebook Hacks

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FBController – The Ultimate Utility to Control Facebook Accounts

You need to feed it biscuits (cookies) before you can do anything.
You can get the target’s cookie by sniffing, XSS, social engineering, ARP Poison-Sniffing, Scroogle search or however you like.
Once you have the cookies you can use FBController to have Full control over the target’s Facebook account.
Login to your Facebook account and sniff your own cookie OR collect a few live Facebook Biscuit/s of your Target/s.
Till now FBController version 1.0 uses your Target’s provided cookie and only :
A > Downloads the HomePage.
B > Allows you to Update the Target’s Wall and
C > Retrieve your Target’s Friend’s List
There are many APIs available to write apps and 3rd party Tools for FB in Java, Perl, .NET, etc.
FBConTroller was entirely written without knowing any of Facebook’s Dev API’s. Considering the above along with Facebook’s complexity, the next version might take some time to get released
You can download FBController here:

Method of Hacking Facebook Account

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These methods are very complicated and canot be used by the new bies this involves finding the vonerabilities and exploiting them to gain the tool access
this has very high success rate the only difficult part is to find the ip of the victim
If you just wanna give a try these software : metasploit

Hacking Facebook Accout By Phishing

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PHISHING is the most commonly used method to hack into any web based systems like orkut ,gmail ,yahoo.
phishing is proved the best and easy way to hack into any web based system u can even hack into Facebook it has high success rate . And also there is no need of any scripting knowledge like html just upload the page to any free hosting accounts and send to the victim.
if u want the Facebook fake page go to here :

How to hack Facebook using the Trojan

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This is same as the keyloggers if u want more control over the victom then u can use trojans (Rats) these are remote administrator tools which give the complete control over the victim system
check this post : how to use the trojans to hack Facebook
i covered full topics on using the trojans
1. What is a trojan?

2. Where to get the trojan programs and download links

3. How to install a trojan

4.what to do when you don’t have the physical access

5. What to do target OR victom refuses to run the file?

6.Which is the best trojans or rat software

Easiest Way To Hack Facebook Account

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The easy way to hack in to the Facebook account is through keyloggers
check this post i have covered all the topics about key loggers and using them to hack Facebook accounts
Hacking with Keyloggers :Topics covered
1. What is a keylogger?
2. Where to get the key logger programs and download links
3. How to install a keylogger
4.what to do when you don’t have the physical access
5. What to do target OR victim refuses to run the file?
6.Which is the best spying or keylogger soft

7 Tips For Effective Facebook People Search

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The best part about Facebook is getting back in touch with old friends. There’s no better place to reconnect with your college buddies or past coworkers than Facebook – the largest social network on the planet, with 400 million members.
Even if Facebook’s Friend Suggestions does a wonderful job of helping you discover new friends, there are better ways to conduct a Facebook people search for those you are interested in.
In this article, let us look at tips for doing a Facebook people search more effectively. We will cover both Facebook’s inbuilt FriendFinder as well as a third-party application for advanced people search. Note that these searches find people based on the information they have entered in their Facebook profile.

Facebook People Search with FriendFinder

Facebook Friend Finder is a collection of search tools to help you find people you know on Facebook. You can access the Friend Finder page from the Connect With Friends widget on the right sidebar on the Facebook homepage.
Facebook people search
Let’s see the different ways you can conduct a Facebook people search using Friend Finder.

#1: Find People From Your Email Address Book

#2: Find Classmates

#3: Find Coworkers

#4: Find People From Instant Messaging (IM) Networks

#5: Find People by Age/Gender/Relationship Status/Star Sign

#6: Find People by Location (Country/Region)

#7: Find People with Similar Interests