Develop Facebook Fan Page

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Facebook has many features that make it definitively from his opponents. Such a star is in Your Facebook Fan Page. any fan page can be a device with which you can develop the social network, interact with clients and customers and promote your business.Fan pages are accessible perhaps to customers who re-registered non-sense that the pages of the fan can be public (visible in each one). This is often very good for merchants who wish to give part company or want to manage your reputation, as these pages may be (and sometimes may be) referred to by Google

A Facebook fan page can easily be described as a website your site. Within a fan site you can easily incorporate video clips, share photos, create activities, opening of chat messages, send letters to all simultaneously, running joint ads in many cases panorama of statistics site!When an item scrambling to get an account on FB that is actually delivered very own profile page and their team. Interact are their friends and family who choose to log into their accounts. we all have their own unique web page profile and very different in their own network. A network expands, when two members agree to come friends. Recreation interact State A person can appear which are members of Facebook «Feed Information". This bulk feeds with information determined by the amount of links of some kind item and how much has been happening between profiles many friends. "

The Best Facebook Fan Page Apps

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An exceptional and non-stressful way for all fans to participate.Place a custom poll and now we have your fans exclusive selection of different designs of response (s). Send an update about the census can double the result (moderate the messages, not very often). Tweet about it, anything to achieve its outside.great way to gather data and test responses. alert your fans the final results and opinions call.

This application is best if you want to connect to the web site or blog to fan fb. a setting from the app is pretty easy.
One of these programs must have if you are in slide shows. Do not lay the slides on SlideShare, integrating the site into account the fan (the restriction of one account per fan site). Import existing shows or selected based on relevance and the fans will love you for it.

The best gift, like Facebook is NutshellMail your publication message. read this app will allow you to create an opt-in area within your Facebook fan page for fans to register to get automatic notifications of activities within the page.
Comments similar testimony. Now you can call your fans to reconsider your weblog, service or product to build credibility.Give viewers many new ideas for your corporate identity.
It is a great software that is able to develop a distance from your company in both the networking sites. If you add programs to the Twitter page of Facebook, information published by its own fan page you automatically receive public profile trill you very much.

YouTube Background Commitment
When you use up the software, you can add video to your visitors interact. the one hand they are able to enrich the user experience;around the other integrates YouTube account on fb your website.Furthermore, it allows you to search for YouTube movies, add others and allow your users to watch and share movies.

Facebook Denied Rumors to Develop Mobile Phone


Facebook denied rumors that it plans to develop tools for the mobile phone in the future, although confirming that pushes through itinerant.Starting this joke any Facebook buzz comes with TechCrunch, when using the find, saying that the methods close to this business plan claims Facebook is working among anonymous third event for the construction of cellular devices.Facebook has some smartphone purposes of policy development already vacant and released close to adding capacity.

The news report on Facebook, said three people were aware of the issue and confirmed the "personalized phone" is slated targeted facility in Europe early next year and then in the U.S. after that - and furthermore, that AT & T is deciding currently it does not matter if you hold the phone.
Facebook spokesman admitted in an e-mail that Facebook has a long relationship between INQ, but elaborated a bit on the exact nature through the relationship.
Despite, CNET finally the company has recently requested shop equipment manufacturers and carriers in no matter whether a Facebook phone really makes sense. The concept is that a foreign company like Samsung HTC and could place the material for the Android-powered phone that will have social networking Facebook has built strong and can run on a Carter, like AT & T.
As strange about the proposal could be sound, branded smartphone could be the key social networking king can break more aggressive near Apple and Google.

Feed Burner Facebook Profile

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FeedBurner RSS feeds, one of the major providers, now part ofGoogle created its own Facebook Platform Title Animator,Animator of the blog title, it will display the latest headlines fromyour FeedBurner blogs, podcasts and RSS Facebookvartotojų.Antraštė Animator dynamically generated graphicsaddon that can be customized as well and show your Facebookprofile.

Remove Yourself From Google

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-Public Search Listing Screenshot-
Facebook gets a lot of traffic from search engines emergenceprofile. Displays all of your profile. The information displayed in the current search profile is limited to: photo profile, a link to addyou as a friend of a friend list and links to the message, the fan inabout 20 pages, list of members.

For some people, if you have an existing website, especiallythose who appear in the search engine is a great way of contacting you. Facebook will find you if you want to easily make a search profile can be a good idea so has the trend of a higher position in search results again. Many people do not want torelease any of their information.

You can visit the search page of the same privacy settingsdescribed in the previous step, the display of the list that appears in the general search and other search engines Google, you canchange. You simply "by selecting the box next to make a list of public quest for me, as shown below" submit search engine to find, you can disable the general results The.

-Facebook Public Search Disable Screenshot-

Use Your Friend Lists for Privacy

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I can not tell you how many people are unaware of their friend lists. For those who do not know what friend lists are, Facebook describes them as a feature that allows to "create private groups of friends based on your personal preferences. For example, you can create a buddy list of friends who meet for weekly book club meetings. You can create lists know about all the organizational needs, allowing you to quickly view friends by type and send messages to your lists. "-Friend Lists Icon-

There are some very important things to remember about friend lists:
You can add each friend to more than one friend groupGroups of friends will be used as "tags", as used elsewhere around the webFriend Lists can have specific policies privacy that applies to themWe refer to each one of the things mentioned above in more detail later. A typical arrangement for groups will be "friends", "Family" and "Professional". These three groups can then be used to implement different policies to protect privacy. For example, you want your friends to see photos from the party that was on last night, but do not want your family or business contacts to see these photos.
Using friend lists is also extremely useful for organizing your friends if you have a lot of them. For example, I have about 20 friend lists and I categorize people by city (New York, San Francisco, DC, Tel Aviv, etc), where I met them (conferences, past colleagues, through this blog), and my relationship with them (professional, familial, social, etc).

10 Best Privacy Settings You NEED to Know.

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We summarize here, but the full article by Nick O'Neill is a great read, and something I wish I had written. Facebook is a great tool, but in a world where information and identity theft is rampant, you should know how to protect yourself from, well, yourself.
1) Use of Friends lists to group your friends into logical groups.This allows you to grant different access rights to different groups of people.
2) Remove yourself from Facebook search results. As a writer, my family is chock full of teachers. For the most part, do not want their students to find random personal information from a search on Facebook, but still want to be on Facebook for family and friends. The solution? Remove yourself from Facebook search results. You can do this from the "Search privacy settings" page.
3) Remove the Facebook yourself from the search results Google. As you know if you have the Google yourself (not everyone does it?) Your Facebook profile will end very quickly.You can remove yourself from Google searches with "Search privacy settings" page - deselect "Create Public Listing Search for me ..." checkbox.
4) Check to see tagged photos - you can do from the page of the privacy of your profile. The cool thing is, if you set the teams your friends right, you can allow access to images from the label group. This way your picture that you do not want your boss to see you will not ignite.
5) Check to see your photo albums - and tagged photos, not all images are for all eyes. See page Privacy photographs. From there you can control who sees what. Very convenient.
6) Check the status of how your relationship will appear in news feeds. Everyone likes to tout their relationship, but you really want everyone (the boss, business contacts) to know? Uncheck the "relationship status Change" in News Feed and Wall section of your privacy settings. This will prevent people from seeing a difference to your relationship with food news.
7) Be sure that applications will not publish posts annoying news feed. Many of the applications you register for publication on your news feed that is potentially embarrassing. Be sure that you scan your profile every time you install an application, or better yet, avoid applications altogether.
8) Check to see your contact information. If you use Facebook for business and personal contacts, you can control who sees what contact information from you using your Friends Groups. You can add multiple e-mail address and contact phone then edit the custom privacy settings for each control to see.
9) Avoid embarrassing wall posts. Facebook allows you to control not only the messages on your wall, but who can see those posts. In Profiles, you can change who posts on your wall by choosing "custom" from "Wall Posts" drop down. From there you can use your Friends groups to control who views and who sees what.
10) Like your hands, keep your friends for yourself. I love seeing who is friends with my friends, but some people do not want to share, and in some cases, there is probably a good idea to share. Once again, you can customize who can view your friends list by using the friends of your group.
There are countless ways to control your privacy on Facebook, but you should take the time to sort through the settings. Friends group is a great place to start and ensure that you separate your business and personal contacts. Know your privacy settings!

Hack Your Way Into Facebook's New Timeline Feature

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Facebook users new view.Most History will have to wait several weeks before you get to see the most drastic changes Facebook at work, because the company was founded, but you can use anlegal development "function to get access to the Timeline even now.
Hack Your Way Into Facebook’s New Timeline FeatureFacebook's new Timeline view.

The developers have access to the first test of new features.Fortunately for people who wish to try using the redesigned Facebook and become a developer is a simple process that you should not take more than 5 or 10 minutes.
Facebook announced Thursday an update at the company's F8 developers conference. "

This is how you do.

First, connect to Facebook and enable the developer. The easiest way to do this is just a "development" in the Facebook search box and click the first result. It will look something like this.
Facebook's Developer App

You will need to enter your password and allow access to the application development based on your account before you see a screen that looks like this.

Facebook's Developer App page

This is the main development site. We convince Facebook developers are real and create an application using the "Open map" the new technology. Do not worry, it's not nearly as difficult as it seems.
Now create a new application by clicking the upper left corner. No one but you will find the application, so the information you enter does not really matter. Make only one application name and namespace (later to be all lower case), I agree with the terms and conditions, and create applications. You will now be set to the main application screen as shown below:
Facebook's app setting screen

Click on the link labeled "Open map" on the left (not shown here) to open the Open Graph Basics. To begin with graphs open, you have to fill in an application can share and an object for applications to interact with. This can be any verb and noun. (For example, my application meets the author of the robot dream fight of my life.)
After you create the action and object, click Get Started. This will drop down in the first three pages of settings, but because no one will see, they do not count. 
The Open Graph Confirmation Page

Facebook Classifieds Live, Powered By Oodle

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Facebook Classifieds Live, Powered By Oodle

A little more digging into this story reveals that the Facebook Classifieds service, first rumored by Mashable, is now live and powered by Oodle.

Oodle just went launched this Facebook group, which lets you post an ad and distribute it via Facebook Share - a smart integration that will let all your friends know when you are selling something. However, it seems to me that the service is built on the Facebook API, so Oodle was given a similar toolset to all the small, independent classifieds sites that sprung up on the API. Textbooks, tickets and residential listings seem to dominate the listings. Listings are free and created over on Oodle’s site.
,.,.,.keep visting thankx,.,.,.,.,

How To Lose a Job Via Facebook In 140 Characters or Less

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How To Lose a Job Via Facebook In 140 Characters or Less

These days social media and job search go hand in hand. Of course the age old knock on the door and “are you hiring?” scenario is still out there but many people favor job search via networking and making use of online job search sites.
Over the years networking platforms such as Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn  have become a must for job seekers. If you aren’t on the web, at times it’s almost impossible to secure a job.  However, some people seem to keep forgetting that social media if not utilized properly can hurt your job search and can lead to job loss. We came across one and had to share it.
Please take a look at the image below,
b4The image above clearly shows the implications if you use social media platforms the wrong way. Of course, when you have a Facebook account it’s your personal account. However, it depends how you are using it. Are you using it to simply connect with your friends and family or are you using it to connect with professionals? Before you go ahead and utilize the power of free speech on Facebook or any other social media platforms make sure you watch what you are saying. Social media has given us tremendous amount of power in terms of job search but it has also made everything we do much more vulnerable. The saying “choose your words carefully” might be true now than ever before.
Just make sure before you publish anything on twitter, facebook, linkedin or anywhere else,  you haven’t friended one of your colleagues or bosses before you make a rude remark about them. And even if they are not your friends, there are still ways things can get out, so at times it’s best to keep it yourself. Just cause social media is about transparency doesn’t mean you have to be transparent in everything you do. Transparency comes with a cost, in some case it’s you giving your own privacy and in some case losing a job, just like the one above.

Facebook, Labor Secretary Launch Page For Job Seekers

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Facebook, the U.S. Department of Labor and an an array of non-profits have launched an initiative to help people find work through social media.
The effort includes the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the Direct Employers Association, and the National Association of State Workforce Agencies.
Social media is pervasive throughout workforce recruitment. According to NACE, more than 70 percent of college career centers have a Facebook page, and a Jobvite poll conducted in 2010 showed that 92 percent of respondents have recruited or plan to recruit via social networks.
The social jobs partnership has made several commitments that are intended to get Americans back to work.
  • Launch of a central Facebook page  that will host resources designed to help job seekers and employers. Facebook says it will launch public service announcements on the site to promote the page in the 10 states with the highest unemployment rate, and Puerto Rico, which has an unemployment rate of 16 percent;
  • Sponsor research to learn more about the ways job seekers, career centers and recruiters are leveraging the social web;
  • Explore ways to post new jobs virally throughout Facebook, at no charge to employers;
  • Promote existing government programs and other resources for job seekers;
  • Distribute information to recruiters, career counselors and other groups about ways to use social media.
Some of the resources to be included future updates of the Social Jobs Partnership Facebook page  include:
  • A U.S. Department of Labor tab with educational content on job-hunting , resume writing, interviews, and more
  • A tool that provides skills and salary information on hundreds of careers, and personalized career suggestions.
  • A skills-to-job matching application.
  • Information about free job training and education program for young people from low income families.
  • A board of jobs and internships specifically for college students.
In a news release  touting the initiative, Marne Levine, Facebook’s vice president of global public policy, explained why Facebook is involved in the program:
Facebook is about connecting people so that they can share what’s important to them, and that is the driving force behind the social jobs partnership. We’ve brought employers, recruiters, college career services and government agencies together to help the millions of Americans who use Facebook find jobs.
U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda L.  Solis added:
Linking American job seekers with the resources they need to get back to work is a top priority of the Obama Administration and my department. By leveraging the power of the social web, this initiative will provide immediate, meaningful and ready-to-use information for job seekers and employers, and a modern platform to better connect them.

Facebook Officially Unveils Smart Friend Lists

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posted on September 13th, 2011
Earlier this week, we reported that Facebook had quietly activated a nifty new feature: smart friend lists that use algorithms to generate a handful of lists of your friends, coworkers, acquaintances, and people who live near you. Now Facebook is publicly announcing smart friend lists, and it has some additional details.
Friend Lists, of course, have been available on Facebook for years now. But most people never bother with them because they’re a total pain — scrolling through hundreds upon hundreds of friends to compile lists is just a chore without much immediate reward. But Facebook thinks this new feature will change that, at least for some users.
The feature, which I’ve been briefed on but haven’t gotten a chance to test out myself, works much as you’d expect. First, Facebook will generate a handful of lists automatically — one for your coworkers, one for people you attended school with, and one for friends who live within the same city as you. That’s a good start, and it’s also easy to make lists of your own. Facebook says that if you create a new list and add a few friends, the site will automatically suggest additional friends that it believes belong in the same list.
Finally, there’s one list, adorned with a star, that highlights your very best friends. Facebook won’t automatically suggest anyone for this list — the company thinks users will only want to include five or ten people, and that it’s best to leave it to users to choose them. And the list has a special property: every time someone on this list of close friends makes an update or posts a photo, you’ll see it in your feed no matter how small a change it is, and you’ll (optionally) get a notification about it (notifications are those alerts marked with a red badge at the top of the screen).
And there’s a new list called Acquaintances that also has special properties, but in reverse: add someone to it, and only the most important status changes (marriages, new jobs, etc.) will appear in your News Feed; you’ll ignore their day to day posts.
Once you’ve created your new friend lists, you’ll be able to use them the same way you’ve always been able to: namely, you can selectively share content with certain groups, and you can change permissions on your profile visibility for each list.
Today’s launch will doubtless draw some comparisons to Google+, which has a strong emphasis on sorting your friends into Circles, which are analogous to Facebook’s friend lists. But despite that emphasis, Facebook has actually beaten Google+ to the punch on recommending who you put into these groups — Google+ is great at surfacing people you might be interested in following, but it doesn’t yet do much to help you sort them.

Alternative To Facebook’s Disappearing Discussion Tab

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Those mourning the impending loss of the discussion tab October 31 may have an alternative in the form of the Forum for Pages application.
Forum for Pages allows page managers to install a Forum tab on their pages, as well as to import and save their pages’ existing discussions. Other features of Forum for Pages include:
  • Support for threaded discussions;
  • Users not leaving the brand page when clicking on the Forum tab (Facebook users are directed off the page when using the current Discussions tab); and
  • The ability to delete posts or entire topics, as well as to lock topics or make them sticky.
Forum for Pages is free, and more moderation-focused features will be added in the near future.
App developer Pixode said:
A lot of page owners rely on the discussions tab to conduct customer service or engage with their fans in a more durable way than what they can do on the wall. Our application allows them to continue to do so without losing the existing discussion threads that might be important to them.
Do you think Facebook pages need discussion tabs?