Do write on your friends' "Walls"


Do write on your friends' "Walls"

Do write on your friends' "Walls"

Possibly even more so than messaging, the Wall feature is the cornerstone of interpersonal communication on Facebook. That being the case, Facebook etiquette requires that you write on friends' walls periodically. As the Wall is there for the whole world to see, though, it is best to follow some simple guidelines. When writing on a friend's Wall, don't leave personal information ("I got a new phone: (205) 555-1234."), sensitive correspondence ("Hey, man. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt passing away."),

orincriminating stories ("I was just thinking about that time we got arrested in Tijuana. You remember that??"). Keep Wall postings light-hearted, leaving the other stuff for messages, or -- better yet -- e-mail


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